Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Apartment For Rent

This one was written by a 17yr old, dunno his Name - but still is a great piece of work, i believe
A man once lived,
In an apartment for rent,
To pay for it,
Half his salary was spent.

The room was cold,
The walls were bare,
The man owned nothing,
Except a table and two chairs.

And then one day,
His neighbour asked him,
Whether they could live together,
And share the apartment.

The man said yes,
For he had been lonely till then,
Some company would be good,
And so their friendship began.

The walls were painted,
New furniture was bought,
Carpets were laid,
Fancy artworks were sought.

As the months passed by,
The man began to trust,
The new friend of his,
With his closest thoughts.

In a silver drawer, he said,
Were all his gold and money.
And beneath his bed,
Lay all his photos and diaries.

Thus they lived together,
More like brothers than friends.
Side by side they ate,
Between them was no difference.

One day he arrived,
After a tiring day at work.
What he saw before his eyes,
Crushed his heart and shattered his world.

The silver drawer was open,
There was nothing inside.
He searched under the bed,
It had nothing to hide.

As he slumped to the floor,
The man began to weep.
As he wailed in pain.
Nothing could reduce his grief.

It took many weeks,
For the tears to dry.
Still there were sleepless nights,
When he asked himself why.

Why had he been betrayed?
Why did he trust his roommate?
Was it all his fault,
Or was it just his fate?

Life became normal again,
But this time, the colours were black and white.
There was no laughter, no fun,
No more happiness in his life.

He immersed himself completly,
In building his career.
Sometimes he wished for a new roommate,
But his mind was crippled by fear.

Memories passed through his mind,
Memories of an empty drawer and overturned bed.
They robbed his sleep of dreams,
And gave him nightmares instead.

An year later the walls were lined with,
Employee of the month certificates,
Overlooking a cold living room,
Devoid of life, and filled with gloom.

That was when it happened,
The man heard the door bell ring.
He wondered who it could be,
Usually, no one ever visited him.

"Excuse me sir," the visitor said,
As the man suspiciously looked at him.
"I was wondering if we could live together,
And then, maybe, share the apartment?"

The door should have been slammed,
Onto the face of the visitor,
Not a moment's hesitation should've passed,
The man already knew his answer.

Instead the door was still open,
The visitor stood there waiting,
Should he agree or not,
The man was still thinking...

-Nashmal Nizar (Courtesy : An incredible thought-burst of a 17yr Old) 

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