Friday, October 15, 2010

Girlfriend !!

Life began with waking up and loving my Girlfriend's face.She was my first love. I haven't loved anyone as much as I've loved her. She was there for me whenever i was in need of. She was there to comfort me, when i felt sad & lonely. She was there to fight away my Nightmares..

Now Years have passed, I've "grown up"... I've spent a generous period with my so called 'Cool Friends', that whenever she came to meet me i was embarrassed !! My Love for her had declined...

More Years have Passed,
I've become "Mature"... Busy with my "Professional" Career, I don't call her so often, but when i do, i know that she hasn't changed a bit, she luved me more than ever...

Yesterday, she left for abroad... to a country were she might find her happiness... And It was then i realized... How hard it was to be left alone !! It was then i realized... How hard it was when there was no one to weep your tears when you cry !! It was then i realized... How hard it was when you don't have a shoulder to rest upon while u feel frightened !! It was then i realized that i should never have left her un-noticed, she wouldn't like that... It would make her feel sad..

If she wasn't happy, there's no point in me being Happy. If she was frightened, there's nothing that would have made me courageous. If she was lonely, there's nothing in the world that can make me lively...

She will be loved for the rest of her life, as she had loved me in the first place...Because, That's the way every MOTHER should be treated.. No, that's the way every Mother WANTS to be treated !!

                                "How did you find the energy,
                                           to do all the things you did,
                                  To be teacher, nurse and counselor
                                            To me, when I was a kid.

                                               I see now it was love,
                               That made you come whenever I'd call,
                                             Your inexhaustible love,
                                            And I thank you for it all."

The Hand that rocks the cradle is the Hand that Rules the world. Love You Ma .. will really miss you a lot...Sorry, for leaving you unnoticed, unhappy...You were the reason, that I've been forgiven for most of my sins.. For Sure Heavens are under your feet...Love you...

- Nashmal Nizar [Courtesy : My Mom, who had left for Saudi Arabia Yesterday, Leaving me all alone :( back here at India]

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